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>> Black Coffee White Linens Blog <<

>> The New Luxury <<

Lauren Alexis Pritchard

The New Luxury...

with all the home servicing apps coming out and the ways in which technology has advanced our world into making it as efficient and enjoyable as possible, would you say that >>Time<< is the new luxury? if you ask me, 100% yes it is.And for how much we travel now-a-days how nice is it to just be home?

This is why I love home hair! its a luxury for both the client and I. The only time I think of my job as "work" is when I'm running behind schedule. of course this is reality, there are variables that sometimes you cant control but what if that never happened? Hallelujah!

pop the champagne, put on your robe and the tunes, pet the dog,read the paper, let the kids spend time, finish that email, and get your hair did at home! :)